Saturday, June 23, 2007


I haven't updated in a while.

I haven't had anything to report.

To date, I have gotten donations of about $30, not enough to even get headshots printed up.

A couple of days ago, I had a guy email me just to say, "Sounds like just another scam to me." What is the scam, dude? You give me money, I buy new clothes? I have pictures of me from movies, I have an article from a magazine I was in (about a movie I am in), and you can look me up on google or It's blatantly obvious, unless you are an idiot, that I am a real person with a very real dream, struggling just like everyone else in this crazy world.

I had such hopes for this site. I am very surprised that so many people stop by & look at this site, & almost no one donates. Not even one friggin dollar. And then I think back to that lady who got complete strangers to donate like $20,000 for her credit card debt....and no one will donate one friggin' dollar to help someone achieve a dream...someone who plans to do good things in the world.

It's really frustrating.

"Georgia Rule" came & left. I don't think I remained in the film. I think that's lame--while understanding the business--because I was in the magazine as a character in the film, & then was cut out of the film....and it cut all of, what, 10 seconds off the movie? Lame. PLUS, the director's adorable granddaughter was in the scene with me. Now, I admit, I don't know for sure that I ended up on the cutting room floor, but a friend went to see it, was looking for me, had seen pics, & didn't see me. I was also, not gonna lie, extremely disappointed that my name wasn't put in the credits. I saw people who had smaller roles than me (if that's possible) in the credits. There was like, "woman on crutches." But no "Potato Queen." Very disappointing. Especially considering that my lines were ALSO cut out of "PD1," & yet my name remained in the credits. I guess if I was cut out completely it makes more sense.

Don't mind me, I'm just bitter. I'm grateful for the one day role I had. I had fun that day, & it was so cool being a beauty queen, since I am not exactly a beauty queen! Every girl likes to wear a tiara. I'm most grateful for the money I made that day. I was painfull struggling at the time, so it was a great relief.

I just wish this career would move forward. I need new headshots...which I actually had taken, but can't spare the money to print them up. I can't afford classes. I can't afford jack poop.

I just remain stunned & saddened that people will help a woman pay off her credit card debt from buying frivilous things, & no one will donate to someone struggling to achieve a dream & bring positive things to the world. It doesn't make sense in my head.

But then, I've always been different. *shrug*


Unknown said...

Geeze. Stop being all stunned. In yet another** fit of whimsy I sent you a little something.

I'm kind of surprised that you aren't promoting yourself a bit on youtube though. Ysabella Brave sings a few show tunes and she gets 1,047,883 Channel Views.

Well, Good luck! I'll check back in another couple of years when I'm going through old bookmarks again :)

** sent $$$ to help with your dog (I think) a couple of years ago when you were still posting to livejournal. I found your journal from your post in the "Day in the life" photo group.

noname said...

There are many people right now who are out of work and have families to feed and bills to pay so they can keep a roof over their childrens heads and your whining about nobody sending you money so you can get new pictures taken...You need a reality check.
Maybe you should take up waitressing, that might pay for your headshots and you can pay for them all by yourself.

Cassie said...

Thanks, Todd. I am absolutely going to put some stuff up on YouTube, but I have to figure out how to, first. I'm not that technically savvy. But I'm going to have a friend help me. And there actually is a video up of me singing on YouTube, posted by someone else. And several of me performing at Knott's. figures a comment like that would be unaccompanied by no name. I don't need a reality check, no one knows what financial struggle is like better than me. I can't pay rent yet, & I am behind on all my bills. Soon, I'll be without a roof over my head, too. I don't ask people who are struggling to spare a dime, but I know there's people who COULD spare a dollar, & they just don't. I donate to animal charities, cancer, Lung Association, epilepsy research, AIDS, & MS, among other charities. Sometimes I go without just to be able to send them like $5, cause their research & charity is so very important. Perhaps you haven't looked over my site, but I actually ask people to donate to MORE WORTHY charities than to me, if they are not able to spare much. I'd much rather find better meds for epilepsy than get new headshots, thanks. I dedicated an entire page to charities that people could donate to, so don't act like I'm asking poverty striken people to donate to me, or asking people to donate to me and not worthy causes, etc. And I can't work as a waitress, I have a FULL TIME JOB. I work 5-6 days a week, & due to the seizure disorder I have, & I literally not allowed to work 2 jobs, because I am ordered to get 8 hours of sleep a night...or have seizures. But gosh, thanks for your comments.