Monday, January 15, 2007


I was waiting for Amber at the airport, when I saw someone I thought I recognized someone. I went back and forth as to whether it was really her or not.

Well, it was! And I was super excited! It was someone who was a total inspiration to me in this business.

Guess who it was?


Debbie frickin Reynolds! Holy cow! I kid you not! Ohmigosh! I grew up watching "Singin in the Rain.". She's one of the reasons I wanted this career! She IS the original "triple threat.". She's phenomenal!

So I walk up, calmly, as to not attract unwanted attention to her. I said, "I love your work!". She thanked me, and I said I was a struggling actress, and she said, "It's a tough business!". I said, "Yes, m'am, it is, but you were my inspiration.". I kinda sensed she wanted to be left alone, so I finished up with, "Thank you for the honor of allowing us to enjoy your talent.". She smiled and thanked me again, and I left her alone. She is still lovely and spectacular, she just seemed a bit tired (aren't we all, after a day of flying!) and frail. She was using a crutch, so I guess she was injured.

It seemed sad to me that more people seemed to recognize DL Hughley than the iconic Debbie Reynolds. Either that or people in Burbank are jaded when they are celebs, and people in the South get all excited. I understand that DL is current and Debbie is old school. But everyone should know Ms. Reynolds! She's an icon! She's a goddess! She's brilliant! Hellooo? She wasn't exactly from MY generation, either, but damn straight I know who she is! It just made me sad that I seemed to be the only person to acknowledge her. But maybe I was just the only person geeky enough to approach her! When I got in the car, I told Amber, "Don't look now, but that woman behind me is Debbie Reynolds!". As we pulled away from the curb, she looked at me again, and I waved goodbye, and she waved back! That just made my month! What a wonderful moment for a girl like me!


I'm stuck in the Dallas airport. My flight was delayed in AL, and then I had a decent sized layover here, then they moved our gate, and now we are delayed. *sigh*

I'm looking forward to getting back and getting to losing weight. I am tired of being chubby. I detest my muffin top. I am inspired by my sister's weight loss. I never thought I'd see her thin, she was always bigger than me, and here she is, a size 4. I'm far from a 4. A size 4 would be a dream come true for me, but heck, that's still prolly too big for Hollywood. I gotta get to it. I need to lose weight before I take new headshots.

Saw DL Hughley at the Bham airport. Gave him my biz card. I hope he wasn't offended by that. He seemed real nice. He's quite handsome, too. It would be awesome if he'd either donate a little and/or spread the word about my site. I hope he finds it intriguing. I pray that he remembers what it's like to struggle, and that he might want to help someone struggling behind him. Heck, I pray he just looks at the site...he might have promptly thrown the card in the trash!

I have to do what I can. I cannot know shame. This is my dream, and I will fight for it!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

I'm bummin' a little. Amber has made some AWESOME, cool, hip designs. Even my friend, Don, made a design, a take-off of the SNL cowbell joke. Great stuff...but no one is buying anything. Again, it's not like I get much from the sales. Some things are only marked up $0.50, the most is $3...but it's the walking publicity I want so badly. And this stuff is really cute/cool. There's even stuff for guys...stuff for "Hot Topic" types, & more to come. No one is buying. I need to get the word out. When I get back from my trip to Alabama, Team Cassie is going to have to go into serious publicity overdrive.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!

I am really looking forward to this year, 2007! I really feel like this site will eventually take off, once word gets out. I can't wait to take acting and singing lessons again, dance classes, trapeze class, etc. I am so looking forward to expanding my training!

I definitely need to figure out ways to publicize the site and the store more. Amber has come up with these amazing designs, and the clothes and stuff look soooo cool, but no one is buying anything. I had 2 friends buy stuff, one man whose name I didn't recognize (thank you sir!), and the rest of the sales have been me. The clothes look so cool, we just need traffic going to the store. I need a radio or TV station doing a story, a newspaper, all of the above. Anyone reading this, please help out where you can, word of mouth is powerful! There's a $10 shirt on my Cafe Press site, buy it, wear it proudly, make people ask about the site! You now have at least 4 different choices of designs! Heck, buy a $2 Cassie button, wear that on everything!

My fund doesn't make much profit from the sales of the Cafe Press items, but it's the fact that people would be walking around publicizing the site on their shirts, hats, bumper stickers, etc. That's what I need, in this beginning stage.