Thursday, May 22, 2008


No updates for the site in particular. No new donations. Still planning to move to Nashville and pursue a singing career.

I've been busy with the kittens the last 3 weeks or so. It's been so wonderful, rewarding, and sad. I am fostering 18 kittens from the shelter. I started with 24. That's sad. I have no clue what's wrong with them. My understanding is that orphaned kittens rarely survive. If they didn't get their mother's milk in the first few hours of life, they don't get important antibodies that they need. Parvo tests have been negative, so all I can guess is that the weaker ones are dying from the URI, just unable to fight it. Sammy was the first to die, then Larry, then Gilligan, Amy, Socks, and Jenny. It was unexplicably watch something so small die in your hands...or come home and find a dead kitten...sooo awful. I should have been able to monitor them better, but Knott's Berry Farm gave me permission to bring them to work with me...then took permission away. Jerks. Not very charity minded.

This is a great way for me to help. It costs me very little. I'm saving lives. All 24 kittens would have been euthanized, so if any survive, I've done well...not that it's really up to me. The remaining 18 are doing really well right now. There were 7 ferals to begin with. Mouse couldn't be considered feral any more. Salem, Stewie, and Simon got acclimated to me right away (just don't bother them while they're eating!), Wooot is coming along, Tiger has calmed by leaps and bounds, so it's really only Tarzan and Jane I need to socialize the most. Ironically, they get along great with the other kittens, they are just scared of me. I don't blame them, considering how much bigger I am to them.

I just feel so fulfilled when I go in the kitten room and have a bunch of kittens crawling all over me. They are so sweet and so affectionate. Indy, Clark, Ginger, and Bear really think I'm mom. It's going to be hard to return them at the end of 2 months. Boo.

I hope to make some sort of name for myself, so that I can encourage others to be kitty foster moms/dads! It's such important work, esp if you like animals.


Unknown said...

I love the names you gave the kittens.

Cassie said...

Thanks! I actually put thought into it. Wooot & Mouse were named by a goofy friend, but the names actually ended up fitting them!

Unknown said...

When God closes one door he opens a window. You are doing good!


Cassie said...

Thank you Steve!