Sunday, January 25, 2009

so sad

I was just reading my blog from back in May, when Ginger & Clark's siblings were dying. I guess none of them were meant to live very long, except maybe Bear...but since Bear was adopted from the shelter, I have no clue what her health is like, but she sure was healthy when she left me!

Just quick updates regarding other things....I'm not moving to Nashville. I'm moving up to Palmdale. Housing is really affordable there. I really, really, really did not want to leave California. My commute to work will be miserable, and I hope to eventually find a job out there that I like & provides benefits. Good luck in this economy, right? I hope to get some new headshots taken soon & try to get an agent & get moving on my career again. I had hoped to lose some weight, but it doesn't appear possible on these seizure meds. The Prozac I was on was keeping me slimmer, and now it's hopeless. I have no metabolism to speak of. I'm fat & ugly. Maybe there are some fat & ugly roles out there for me. I have a nice smile.

When I have something to smile about...

I've been crying too much to stare at a computer any longer, so more updates later. My thanks to anybody who follows along.

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