Monday, January 15, 2007


I was waiting for Amber at the airport, when I saw someone I thought I recognized someone. I went back and forth as to whether it was really her or not.

Well, it was! And I was super excited! It was someone who was a total inspiration to me in this business.

Guess who it was?


Debbie frickin Reynolds! Holy cow! I kid you not! Ohmigosh! I grew up watching "Singin in the Rain.". She's one of the reasons I wanted this career! She IS the original "triple threat.". She's phenomenal!

So I walk up, calmly, as to not attract unwanted attention to her. I said, "I love your work!". She thanked me, and I said I was a struggling actress, and she said, "It's a tough business!". I said, "Yes, m'am, it is, but you were my inspiration.". I kinda sensed she wanted to be left alone, so I finished up with, "Thank you for the honor of allowing us to enjoy your talent.". She smiled and thanked me again, and I left her alone. She is still lovely and spectacular, she just seemed a bit tired (aren't we all, after a day of flying!) and frail. She was using a crutch, so I guess she was injured.

It seemed sad to me that more people seemed to recognize DL Hughley than the iconic Debbie Reynolds. Either that or people in Burbank are jaded when they are celebs, and people in the South get all excited. I understand that DL is current and Debbie is old school. But everyone should know Ms. Reynolds! She's an icon! She's a goddess! She's brilliant! Hellooo? She wasn't exactly from MY generation, either, but damn straight I know who she is! It just made me sad that I seemed to be the only person to acknowledge her. But maybe I was just the only person geeky enough to approach her! When I got in the car, I told Amber, "Don't look now, but that woman behind me is Debbie Reynolds!". As we pulled away from the curb, she looked at me again, and I waved goodbye, and she waved back! That just made my month! What a wonderful moment for a girl like me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cassie,

This is Matthew Hamner from (ASFA). You saw me last back in 1999 in the parking lot of that church for the Into the Woods audition.

I just wanted to touch base. I tried to send you an email but it came back to me.

I'm in Atlanta, now. Let me know how I can contact you.


Cassie said...

Hey Matt! How's it going! I thought I DID email you back...I didn't? I'm sorry. I might be moving to Nashville soon....the acting career isn't panning out. It's been a 24 year dream, & dangit, I'm just exhausted. The struggle is draining. Email me again through here, & let me know if it doesn't work, if you don't hear back from me.